Do you even know who I am!


24.04.2020 22:29
LinkDrip 2020

24.04.2020 22:31
Linkhere's chapter 3!

“They call me Ink” Ink says.
“Are you related to Fresh?” She asks.
“No, actually, I heard that he’s your brother and not mine,” Ink says.
“He is? Since when?”Kanne asks “Since forever nobody told you?” Ink inquired in a very confused voice.
“Nobody told me anything I thought I was an only child!?” She exclaims in disbelief. “You have two brothers, Blu and Fresh,” Ink says with a sigh
“Oh, I never knew that.” Kanne says “We need you to come by this afternoon is that ok?” Ink asks.“I’ll do that,” She says. She asks Rodrick to leave so she can get ready and settle in for the afternoon.
“You'll come back, right? Back to the house?” Rodrick said in a crying voice. “I don't know bud,” she says ruffling his hair. She’s older than Rodrick. Axel and Kanne are the same age.
She gave Rodrick another hug and hurried him out the door.

She got ready and rushed out the door to meet Geno’s gang. She arrived about thirty minutes later. Arriving at the door, She knocked as loudly as she could so as to make a good impression, so they knew she was there.
“Who is it?!” she heard Fresh scream in a voice She suddenly remembered.
“It's Kanne! Geno asked me to stop by!” She says loud enough so that he can hear her.
She suddenly heard someone running to get the door, It was Fresh! He opened the door and swung her around.
“Ohhh I’ve missed you so much Kanne you don’t even know!”
“Yeah? I’ve missed you too, bud!” She says in a very mocking voice.
She calls Fresh bud to annoy him, it works really well. Fresh is three years younger than her even though it doesn’t look like it, He is.
“Geno!” Fresh yells really loudly. “Kanne’s here!” He yells again, almost popping her eardrums.
“Well, invite her in, you dingus! Don’t just stand at the door!”Geno yelled across the house.

“Well, I’m sorry, Fresh doesn’t have very good manners for his age,” Geno apologized, slapping Fresh across the back of his head.
“Oww, why do you do this to me, Geno!” Fresh screamed. “ I do it just to annoy you,” Geno said scruffing his hair.
“Take those glasses off, Fresh!” Geno yelled because he thinks that it is ridiculous to wear glasses inside. “No, I’m not going to,” Fresh says, as the words “Make me ” appear across his glasses.
Every time Fresh says an important word, the main idea he’s trying to convey flashes across his glasses. For example, if he asks you to go outside for a bit, his glasses would say “LEAVE” His glasses are electrical. So when he says an important word of any kind they show up on his glasses.

“Where is everyone?” Kanne asked confused. All of a sudden everybody from the gang came sprinting out of the kitchen screaming “HERE WE ARE KANNE!” It scared Kanne so much she fainted. Kanne woke up a few minutes later sitting on the couch next to Fresh.
“She’s awake!” Fresh screams with “LOOK!” going across his glasses. Kanne slaps Fresh across the back of his head while becoming somewhat stable enough to talk to everyone.
“So you thought you could come into our house, Kanne!” Stated a figure standing in the doorway he looked like he was holding a bucket of strange ink. Some of it was dripping down his shirt. “Drip don’t be mean...” Fresh says while stretching across the white sofa. The words DONT flashing across his glasses.

Drip tries to sit down on his chair which is covered in garbage bags because of all the ink that he carries around. The gang doesn’t want to risk ruining anything with all the ink he carries.
“So you’re that Kanne everybody’s been talking about …. huh?” Drip says with an annoyed look on his face from Fresh tapping his foot on the ground loudly. “That’s me!” Kanne says with a smile. Drip sighs while cracking the back of his neck. “ You don’t know who I you, Kanne?” Drip says with a small grin on his face. Kanne was confused.