Project D-Fault | Contest
01.12.2024 12:18
01.12.2024 12:27
LinkENDS DECEMBER 25th (or, Christmas Day)
So how this works, is you may draw anything you like, use ANY opacity setting, use any tool you want (be it highlighter, eraser, pencil, etc etc) . . .you are completely free to basically just have fun with it all.
However, there is ONE important rule you must follow, and that is to not change ANY colors in your arsenal manually (which means keep all colors default).
The drawing above is an example of what I am allowing you to do. I have not changed any base colors to create what is shown above, I simply layered default black over until it created that cool rainbow effect.
01.12.2024 12:27
Link-- PRIZES --
01.12.2024 12:46
LinkAll contenders will be wished a Merry Swiss Miss and a happy New Month.
The contender who wins #1 will receive a detailed animation of their OC in default colors, and receive Kevin McCallister's mansion on the night before Christmas.
#2 will receive a highly detailed drawing of their OC in default colors, as well as a 17 lb. wad of tinsel for Christmas.
and #3 will receive a rough sketch of their OC (still in default colors), as well as coal on the night after Christmas.
01.12.2024 12:47
Linkthe end :)
01.12.2024 12:55
Link(btw don't expect anything immensely crazy about the animation it may only be like 10 frames)
23.12.2024 02:34
Linkoh shit did anyone even make anything
23.12.2024 02:35
Linkman I should've brought in more people