what's happen?

yay flowers


Bowser (Angry)



New profile
let me type please


11.10.2021 03:05

11.10.2021 03:12
Linkits coming when more people are online X3
Okay so some of you know I got hacked into. (can someone who was there tell me what was posted before it was deleted? It drove a lot of followers away. thanks.)
I've been thinking.
I want to make an organization on FA, to spread love to all.
I know. Cheesy. But. It may make FA a better community. The people who I think I was hacked by do the exact opposite. They try to drive away furries and LGTBQ+
mind you I have a girlfriend, and uh, I may be female.
So. Im making this.
R= Race/Religion. All races accepted, and all religions. Including atheists.
A= All/Acceptance. Everyone's accepted
L= LGTBQ+/Love. Lgtbq is welcomed with open arms. Spread love, as i said earlier.
What to do: Spread encouragement to people! Give tips and compliments (two complement per tip)
Try to stop cyberbullies, without bulling the cyber bully. I know. hard.
annd yeah.

Hi! First off whether it be cheesy or corny its still equally as sweet!! I'll be looking forward to it!!
Second, regarding the posts! they were surrounding the topic of being a Nazi? And just blatantly calling people slurs? Not the best person to explain it but I tried