trust brings us into existence
18.01.2018 23:51
LinkI say something about myself
You believe it
I say I am a person
I say I like soda
I mention things that happen in my life
You believe it all
Despite the evidence you lack to prove these things, you believe it
All you have are the words I type
Text on a screen
And suddenly a whole new person exists to you
This person has a life
With these details
And you believe it
You trust in these things without realizing it
You don't question it at all
You just accept it
We naturally trust in that of story telling
We believe the text on the screen
We have so many people in our minds
People with no true proof of their own existence
People with no proof that what they say is truth
I tell you I like chocolate
I could be lying
We could all be lying about everything
Or nothing
18.01.2018 23:52
LinkDaNg yOuR riGhT
Roblox has always been there for me when I needed it the most. It's always had my back. When life beats me down, I hear a quiet "OOF" ringing in my ears, reminding me that I'm not alone. When I get home from school, I come to my computer and Roblox is there, waiting for me, just as I'm waiting for Roblox. I work hard every week in a small Chinese factory making toys for the American kids. I get a monthly salary of ten cents, a shoe string, and a pile of lint. I have been saving the past few years and after all this time, I have finally met my goal of achieving 2,000 Robux. The hard years of labor have finally paid off, and now my next goal is to join the elite members of the Turbo Builders Club. There's a long road ahead of me, but Roblox will guide me along the way. Roblox will pull me through it. Roblox will give me the strength and courage I need to face the day. Thank you, Roblox, for always having my back.