Vent: >;/


13.09.2021 14:30
LinkSo I have a BONE to pick with the people in my NJROTC class.

13.09.2021 14:34
LinkHalf of my class was gone helping another class out by moving boxes and stuff. The other half, including me, that where on the drill team stayed behind to work on our drills for an upcoming competition. When the other half came back, they brought a ball with them. So, we passed around the ball until it came to me. Since it was only me and another guy that where the ONLY 2 white people in my class, I threw the ball to him. I did it to be nice because the ball was never going to him. I swear, some of the dudes started calling me RASCIST because I THREW the ball to another WHITE STUDENT because he wasn't. getting. the. ball.
Some people these days don't have COMMON SENSE.