My MHA Self Insert


03.05.2020 05:36

03.05.2020 05:37
LinkName: Maddie
Gender: female
Age: 15
Quirk: Tear and Repair
Hero Name: Biimperium

03.05.2020 05:38
Tear and Repair has two sides. Tearing and repairing. Her name, Biimperium, in Latin quite literally means "two powers." In order to "repair" in other words mend wounds and injuries, all of her focus must be on healing, and she has to be essentially empty of any thoughts and emotions. To "tear", or rip wounds open and make them deeper, she must be overriden with fear or anger, or half of both. The wound or wounds must already be there for this to work. These cannot work at the same time, and both require a lot of energy. She can build up her strength and resistance by staying fit so she can do these things more and longer. She can also improve by being able to clear her mind and conjure up the specific emotions of anger and fear. This quirk also works with buildings and objects, but it takes a lot more energy.