


Oh no!


Head Turn

New oc :) (name ideas please!)
why do


16.07.2023 03:47
Linknonartists always have so much to say about someones art skills

16.07.2023 03:51
Linksaw a video a few days ago about how ****ed up art lore is and they were so right but i knew some kids would be arguing and justifying actual bullying in the comments so i looked at them and the top comment was some shit like "the only thing that bugs me is new artists not taking criticism/ trying to get better at art" which absolutely flabbergasted me because whos art is that. NOT yours what the **** 😭😭 people dont make art just to please people they make it cuz its fun how stuck up and entitled do you have to be to think someone has to change their art to your liking just because its not good to you . what!!!

16.07.2023 03:54
Linkif youre soooo invested in how someones art looks make your own and fit it to your liking . also people who see art and try giving them criticism even in a polite way as if they think theyre being nice??? nobody asked for your tips "maybe try lowering the eyes?" MAYBE try making your own ****ing art its not made to please you its made for fun unless someones asking for tips **** off cuz like

16.07.2023 03:56
Linkthisnis like the only moment ever where saying "who asked" is very necessary

literally bru💀💀 dawg I was at my cousins house a few yrs ago drawing cats and my lil cuz waz like "that doesn't look like a cat" AND IT HURT MY FEELNGS SO BAD HELP..