Just...lemme type
11.02.2019 01:56
LinkWell...have you ever had your heart broken three times? Because I have
First time my bff Kayla we both loved the same things and we were best friends and I developed a crush on her but I ruined any chance I had with with her when she and another friend were whispering things and I assumed it was about me. So I told a friend a TRUSTED friend and said I didn't want to be friends with her anymore but I said I would tell Kayla after school.then I realized that she probably wasn't even talking about me but that little ***** my so called trusted friend told her and now she won't even talk to me...
Well I just cuz I everything up don't I?
11.02.2019 01:58
11.02.2019 02:00
LinkWell the second time is less hard on me
Theres a boy at my school that I'm crushing on...hard as hell and I knew I didn't have a chance with him so I just became friends with him. I sit at a table with him at lunch every day because of assigned seats and we have the most wildest table ever. So one day everyone just starts talking about their crushes so I decide to be a dumb birch and tell everyone that I have a crush on him he declined but at least we're still friends!
11.02.2019 02:00
LinkAnd I'm not comfortable talking about the last one
11.02.2019 02:08
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