I’m on a diet


01.01.2020 07:51
LinkYeah maybe just maybe I cheated on my diet 😓

01.01.2020 19:16
LinkI feel ya, gurl. I'm going on a diet in a few days. It's a shame that people are so quick to judge about our appearances. I think that as a female we are held to standards that we feel aren't achievable. Most of our self consciousness comes from other females. They seem to be the ones that make the rudest comments about our weight. It's really sad. We should be the ones to support each other.
Sorry that I went on a rant. I just get really passionate this kind of stuff. I've always been on the heavier side, and I can't even begin to explain all the horrible things that have been done to me because of that. I just want you to know that you shouldn't be too hard on yourself about these things. Everyone is beautiful the way they are.
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