

12.12.2017 15:05
Linkhello, person what do you mean??

12.12.2017 15:10
Linki mean im gonna write something in the comments if you wait

I might be moving to my dad's house.
Which means leaving behind the friends I've tried so hard to make
And it means making new ones, and then my dad moves in the summer and those are gone.
It means I won't see or talk to my girlfriend, who I can't imagine my future without, and I'll have to break up with her because her parents took her phone and she's not in school anymore.
My mom will be p i s s e d, and I'll probably have to go to court. I don't want to.
My dad is not great, but he's easier to stand than my stepdad, so I'm going to try going to live with him.
I'm scared and sad and I keep crying and having nightmares and headaches