

07.03.2025 07:04
LinkCare for a drink?

07.03.2025 07:05
Link> im so tired today has been a long day i should open a bottl

07.03.2025 07:53
Link> i made a few responses and started some stuff but i will have to return tomorrow because i am actually like. SO TIRED and i think it might be easier to put it here rather than go through individually

What, like you wouldn’t have stayed around anyway, dear?
* He snapped back, smiling as he took the bottle graciously before drinking quite literally all that was left in it—reaching for another bottle almost directly afterwards, except he misses the grab twice due to uncoordination before actually wrapping his fingers around the drink.
Care for another?

> ELTS GO LIQUID COURAGE imSO GLAD YOU PICKED UP ON IT also my wifi is so spotty in this car im dying
Pshh, I bet I can drink a whole gallon like this!
* His face was red, albeit not exactly from embarrassment or anything but from the fact his face was unreasonably warm. He fiddled with the cork of the bottle he held, his hands not quite capable of opening it as he sighs miserably, looking over at Mafioso obliviously.
…Mind helping me out?
Comment removed

I can handle it! What harm can a couple of drinks do?
*he hummed, knowing the answer already.. despite that he took a sip of the drink in his hands. His face contorted into a confused kinda look, which considering that elliot rarely drinks, let alone drink wine.. it made sense. The taste was quite nice though once he got used to it, sipping again.*
Yeah you could definitely say that again..!

Mhm… I- wha-
*he was caught off guard by the sudden sprint, deciding what the hell.. and following. He hadn’t had too much in his system to be anything other than just the slightest bit tipsy. He had an excited grin on his face though, it was nice to have a bit of.. freedom? Free time? Whatever this was.*
I don’t think the run was necessary- what is this, a race? Pff-

((Are they gonna be barbie girls in a barbie world?
Alright- alright yeah that's fair..
*he cleared his throat, watching as the man stumbled and reached for the remote, walking to lean on the couch tapping his foot on the ground.*
Sure, I dont know a lot of barbie songs though.. probably also might want a few more drinks in me as well.. after all its called 'drunk' karaoke for a reason haha!!

> yes. /hj
Might as well just binge something else before then, eh?
* He clicked onto a video labelled ‘cats for 10 hours’ before quickly placing the remote down and running back into the kitchen, taking a moment to return with two bottles, offering one to Elliot.
…Forgot to get glasses, but d’ya want one?

((THEY R BARBIE GIRLS IN A BARBIE WORLD..... quick put them in dresses /j
*unfortunately, elliots attention was grabbed by the 10 hour long cat video.. he watched it with great interest, chance leaving went unnoticed. He only averted his gaze when chance spoke again, blinking. Snickering as a horrible idea that came into his head.*
What if... snrk-
*he had to pause to laugh just a bit, sitting up*
What if we see who can.. drink the bottle the fastest- such a stupid idea I know-

I wouldnt have given the idea if I wasnt!! A professional.... drinker? I think that's just called an alcoholic...
*he half joked, taking the bottle that was offered to him and opening it with only the slightest struggle. He wondered if hed be able to do this.. I mean hes chugged an entire cold sprite before.. on multiple occasions! He did get really sick afterwards though.. naw, hed be fine. He could do it.*

((Do we flip a coin......... heads ellipt tails chance.....
*the burn did nothing to elliot, what really affected him, instead was the taste... and the almost immediate effect the chugging had on him. He felt his head get dizzy just a little bit. He continued regardless though, determined to either win, call it a tie, or get a really close call.*

*Elliot had slammed down the bottle at the exact same time chance had, and when he had glanced over to him.. elliot was.. trying to keep his balance. His cheeks had a dusting of pink on them, a definite sign that the alchohol was affecting him. He slurred out something incomprehensible; but it was probably something along the lines of '****ing christ that was a lot.'*

BWA-HA! You can’t say that as YOU fall!.. I bet you’d just.. PASS OUT after another sip! I, on the other hand, could down TWO more!
* He heaved a laugh, sitting up quickly on the couch to look at Elliot’s state after falling, not caring as his sunglasses began to slide off with the force of the movement as he continued to sway.

Hell yeah, I bet..
* He stood as well, wobbling before steadying himself by placing a hand against the couch. He didn’t wait to stay steady for long though, running to the kitchen where the shatter of glass could be heard, with Chance immediately reappearing in the room with a clear stain on his shirt.
..aalright, so I miight’ve dropped a bottle, and I don’t think I should be carrying anymore… about that karaoke though?

* He grinned, not sparing a moment before singing with his chest—horribly. He sang off-tune and drew out sounds that didn’t need to be drawn out, but he was definitely without a doubt a barbie girl in a barbie world. As the song finished, he looked over to Elliot on the couch with a grin, tossing the remote at him.
Great, right? Now yooou’ve gotta pick a song!

*elliot was on the verge of tears with his laughter. Listening to him sing was… so beautiful. Especially with the song voice, absolutely immaculate really. He wish he would’ve thought to record it to have it saved.. that thought was immediately interrupted though as the remote was tossed at him, flinching as it hit his chest and fell into his lap. It didn’t hurt at all, yet he still said ‘ow??’*
Hmph- you did great, I’d listen to that alllllll over again… totally- hmm,,
*he picked up the remote from his lap and thought.. what song did he want to play.. oh! Maybe lonely day? Or.. no, no.. chop suey? It was one of his favorites… Yeah, yeah that works! He put the song on, standing up as the instrumental began, about to sing his little heart out with this one.*
*and so it began, despite being more than just a bit tipsy; he sung.. and it was rather decent, only a few worse were slurred and he was otherwise mostly comprehensible. Even deciding to do little air guitar movements with his hand at some parts.*