This Is Andras


20.07.2018 00:07
LinkAndras looks like a normal wolf from a distance but he’s actually a demon stuck in a wolf's body, he can shapeshift into a young sheep in which he uses this tactic to lure his victims to a closed off area were he strikes,he’s not very approachable due to the fact he’s not in the mood to make friends, he’s like the grim reaper kinda,accept his victim is going to go out in agonizing pain before their death date, he is a creature of Death, but with every powerful being, there is a weakness
Name- Andras
Status- Male,strait,single
Personality- Quiet, Gruff, Rude, there is a soft spot but it’s very small
Height- on all 4’s from claw to shoulder 10 ft

20.07.2018 00:07
LinkIn RP- he hardly ventures out from the woods, and can only be accessed in the deepest regions, he is however only visible to those he wants to, in saying so if he needs to track someone through a city he can without being noticed, for the most part he’ll remain in the deepest part of the woods without question, just a little off were most campgrounds would be set up, so, you don’t find him, he finds you

20.07.2018 00:08
LinkGillian was a big help here and taught me how to correctly draw the paws, blood,and creases along the face and arm muscle,along with a bit of the backstory, thanks cuz
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Alright, I know I’m not really posting much, but I gotta make one of these. Can I make something inspired off of him?
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Andras~ lowers himself and he dissipates into thick smoke along the ground just as a human child stumbles from the brush, the child is matted and dirty holding an old stuffed lamb, Andras appears out of the fog a good distance away from the young girl "...hello child...where's mummy" he grins, the child is silent, shaking
( well then)

Andras~"..." he walks around her, sitting on the other side the girl now in the center, he slowly looks down at the kid "i don't recall infecting you....i can't even eat the infected..."
Kid~ terrified, she just stairs at the ground
Andras~" are you afraid?...are the eyes of death to cold for you?" he speaks very quietly

(okay i guess)
Andras~ emerges from the trees, invisible to the people around him, he sets the child next to a mother watching her kids, quickly and quietly he'd return to the woods, looking back before he grabs the doll setting it near them, he closes his eyes and shifts into a raven, taking to the sky, not noticing Dove, he flies over the trees, heading to his cave