Updated Ref on Lemongrass


01.05.2021 19:18
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01.05.2021 19:43
LinkShe is part: SilkWing, NightWing, IceWing, SeaWing, RainWing
Gender: Girl
Description: Blueish, greenish, tealish, long tail with ice shards or icicles at the end of it like a IceWing, antennae, sliver scale by eyes, few bioluminescent scales, at the eyes and forelegs,webbed spines along the chest that stops at stomach; webbed spines at neck stops at back, tall
Abilities: can change color like a RainWing, imprevious to fire and ice, can breath out ice and fire, venom, antennae act like a radio, can light up a few scales, IceWing claws that grip, can read minds, very strong
Personality: Friendly, protective, kind, very mean/angry at people who try to hurt her friends and family

01.05.2021 20:00
LinkQuick summary of her life then and now...
She was raised on a farm near the Diamond Spray Delta, she took care of cattle only. She has 4 siblings. She left to explore Pyrrhia when she turned 10.
She is in a relationship with Krill and has one daughter, Ostracot. She enjoys reading, hiking, eating, drawing, playing music, and singing. She is friends with Sundust and some others (others I will make in the future, all of them are in my notebook).
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08.05.2021 18:36
Link(Use https://imagecolorpicker.com/en
this helps you find the right colors, just upload an image and boom! There you go! Hope you people find this helpful)

08.05.2021 18:36
LinkDo not chain