Art Critique? !Refs Needed!
05.04.2020 20:18
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05.04.2020 20:18
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05.04.2020 20:21
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Ok, the broccoli thing killed me XD. I love how you used your imagination and creativity, as that was something I would never have thought up of. For improvement, I would say that to clean the outline up. Some of the outlines werent attached or cleaned up, so I would say to work on that. Oh and I will do the rest later once I finish another person. Sorry. And I hope that will help
So for the Team Skyyee one, I like the shading. It looks cute! For improvement, I would say to fix the lines again like I said before, and then the eye? So I got confused, but The hair goes over the eye but it wasnt colored. If the eye was over the hair, then the outline shouldnt have been on top of the eye. So thats what I would say for that. Hope that helps you.
Ok for the makeup one, I think you did well on the shading. But, I feel like you could add a bit more dimension to them and also work on adding more shading to the lipstick and mascara. Those to look kinda plain then the others. Maybe try adding more highlights to all of them ad darker colors for the shading.
:OOOO ok, so I love the shading you made. It was good, and so was the tweening, but you CAN still improve on both of those. I would say to make the shading more smoother by using opacity and the tweening looks a bit odd. To fix the tweening, I would say to make the eyes or something on the body to move. The part looked odd bc it was moving it tail but there was not a single movement on the body. Hope this helps you!
Ok, so I really liked that drawing before. I would say for improvement to study on anatomy. The shoulders are sagging, which is why I would say to do that. Oh, and one part of the hair went through the shoulder, so I just wanted to point that out. And the blood. So the blood, I would say to improve on the drip, bc blood doesn't look like that when it drips. I hope this helps you!
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