
klee wants to play a lil game

Cute Valentines Potato :3


Art stuff you might need 2 kno

I was bored (and hungry XD)

multi wwyd[lmt]


17.02.2021 23:06
LinkA)so im doing another one with carlos.so uhh u decided that u wanted to know more about carlos bc all u really knew was his name,age,and how he acted.nothing else.so u was searching around the house while he was in the bathroom and stuff and u found this pic of him actually SMILING with this other chihuahua girl who looked exactly like him but was a little bit taller.of course that when carlos walked out of the bathroom.
B)so uh-yea-babysitting tiffany´s kids again bc she pays good money and uh-u heard a bunch of commotion going upstairs and u saw randy and alexa fighting :0
C)u heard a bunch of rumors of this big black monster with horns and razor sharp teeth that was in the forest and that it ate hikers or anybody that stepped near it´s home which was supposed to be a cave or something.so u,being a curious teen or whatever went to go see if it was real or not and went along bringing whatever u brought.so u[and ur friends if they came along]was just walking through the part of the forest[still typing]

17.02.2021 23:13
Link-where people said it was seen and u didn´t see nothing but then u heard a bunch of stomping and turned around and there it was.A big dark cat like figure with pointy looking ears and it had bright green eyes and was just looking down and staring at you.[this is sylvia btw]
uh wwyd ig?i might respond late cuz work

Weee- okay then let’s go-)
Rainy didn’t know much about him besides, he was good at cooking, his age and his job. When she saw the photo, she thought it was his sister, or maybe even his mother. But she froze once she heard the door open.
William felt like nothing bad was going to happen until he heard the commotion, deciding to go up a stairs and when he saw the two fighting he raised a brow. “Hey! Hey! Clam down!” He told them, getting in between the two.
- (High school version fo Jasmine yeee)
Jasmine was walking through the forest, with a big green coat over the shirt she was wearing and some blue jeans she was wearing as well with some brown high heeled boots. When she saw Sylvia, she just froze and stood there. But looking terrified.

carlos didn´t notice rainy yet and just closed the door and then THATS when he saw her¨.....¨
clam down
randy be looking like a tomato cuz thats how mad he was and he just tried to get around william so he could hit her again¨SHE STARTED IT!!!
alexa just standing there sticking her tongue out at him¨maybe if you weren´t being a big baby over nothing i wouldn´t have told you that!!¨
she just kept staring at her and made some sort of clicking,purring sound?

he walked over to her and looked up at her,looking kind of annoyed and a bit sad¨give me the picture.¨
she glared at him¨because you said i looked like an ugly rat creature from a video game!!!AT LEAST PEOPLE THINK I´M COOL!¨
she suddenly grabbed jasmine with her hand and started walking off with her.¨...¨

She looked at him. “Who is in the photo with you?” She asked and handed him the photo. “You don’t have to tell me if though.”
His jaw clenched dead he sighed, taking his mask off and looking down at the two. “First off. Randy. You shouldn’t say she is an ugly rat. And Alexa. Don’t say that he’s a dork with no friends. Both of what you guys said was really rude. Like people say treat others how you want to be treated. And if you two get in another fight today I will tell Tiffany.”
She flinched. “Uh- um.. h- hey!”

“I-..” she hesitated and then sighed. “I just want to know more about you. You’re my roommate.”
“Now. Calm down now and you two go do what you want now. I’ll be downstairs.” He sighed and put his mask back on.
She tried to pull away, eventually she was able to escape her hold and she ran away from her.
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¨i-i-i-i don´t know...i-i-i was j-just l-l-looking o-out t-t-the w-window a-and i s-saw this g-guy j-j-just staring a-a-at our h-house..t-then they l-looked at m-me and i r-r-ran down here t-t-to come tell you..¨
sherly was listening but she kept looking at the tv
she soon arrived at this small cabin.too small for the creature to get in

She nodded. “Alright. I’ll stay here with you.” She told him, still petting his head and hugging him.
He nodded gripping onto the knife in his inside coat pocket. “You two stay here.” He told them, keeping his mask inside, he walked outside and closed the door behind him.
She looked at the cabin, raising a brow.

She looked at him and sighed. “Because your a person I care about.”
He approached the black figure slowly and he soon, grabbed the figure and out the knife to their neck. “What the hell are you staring at the house for?!”
She flinched and grunted when she fell, hitting her head against the bricks. “Ow..”

¨but i´m always mean to you...don´t you hate me?¨
it didn´t say anything but it looked at you
it wasn´t lit thank god-but after a few moment´s a lady walked through the front door.she had black hair that was in a bun and had buz cut bangs.she was wearing a blue shirt with a lab coat over it and she just had grey sweatpants on-.uh one of her hands looked like a claw and was the same color as the monster u just ran into.her eyes were the sme color as the monster too and she just looked at u

“Even though you are mean to me at times. I put up with it and I don’t hate you. You’re my roommate and my friend. I care about you.” She told him with sad eyes, still be worried for him.
“Aren’t you gonna answer me? Or do I have to slice this your neck with this knife?” He asked and raised a brow.
She rubbed her head gently and sta up, looking up at the woman.
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