

01.10.2020 21:20
Linkim doing witchtober, starring the Gay Witch Luna Starstruck!

01.10.2020 21:38
LinkDay 1: Luna as a witch
Day 2: Gay Witch coven
Day 3: Gay Witch garden
Day 4: Gay Witch sleepover
Day 5: Luna on a broom in front of the moon
Day 6: Luna stirring a cauldron
Day 7: Gay Witch Zoom
Day 8: Gay Witch Motel
Day 9: Gay Witch Cafe
Day 10: Gay Witches in a haunted house
Day 11: Luna with an apprentice
Day 12: Alcemy
Day 13: Halloween masquerade ball
Day 14: Fortune Teller Luna
Day 15: Luna collecting magical mist
Day 16: Luna playing ukulele to control the stars
Day 17: Gay Witch broom race
Day 18: Gay Witch caravan
Day 19: Luna reading a spell book
Day 20: Luna casting a spell
Day 21: DreamWorks thing but it's witch Luna instead of that boy
Day 22: Gay Witch Blood Oath
Day 23: Gay Witches with an oracle bone
i'll think of more later

01.10.2020 21:48
LinkDay 24: Gay Witch logo
Day 25: Gay Witches in a pumpkin patch
Day 26: Gay Witches in a cult or ritual
Day 27: Gay Witches at a cat cafe
Day 28: Gay Witch Halloween party
Day 29: Luna with a magical gemstone
Day 30: Luna as an old hag
Day 31: Gay Witches going trick-or-treating
also i meant alchemy, not alcemy