no title
Losing my mind (W.I.P)
Tightrope Parkour Girl
Trampoline or just bouncy
♫《栗山 未来 》♫
series thing
10.05.2022 16:05
LinkOkay so I'm writing a danganronpa inspired plot now with all of my characters right
10.05.2022 16:05
Linktell me why im planning out the second death before the first like an idiot
10.05.2022 16:06
Linkso basically, about 40 people are trapped in a city, they're meant to carry out a normal life, but they need to kill everyone and get away with it to escape right
10.05.2022 16:08
Linkyou have a choice to let yourself be killed, escape without murdering, or kill someone and get away with it
If you fail to get away with murder, you get publicly executed.
I've wrote it out
Olias and Chery team up, Chery decides she wants to get her buddy out with her, so she kills a dude by tricking him into thinking they would make love in the bathroom, then stabs him to death
then there's a court basically
and she gets found out, and gets hung