THEO (not my oc :p)


17.09.2020 15:12
Linkthis is theoooo
i dont know as much about him as i would know with one of my own ocs, and i currently dont have access to his character sheet, so here we go
Theodore came from a decently wealthy family that sold cutlery(?), destined to go to DWMA. he has pretty traditional ideals, and wanted a good meister to be his partner. (of you didnt already know this is a soul eater oc, and a lot of my ocs are for soul eater as well.)
then, well, Laccaria came along. the blank faced mushroom witch that is secretly a sweetheart that is them. they met in the library, laccaria quietly reading some sort of book with her pet tarantula by her side. (they usually switch between they/them and she/her so dont be alarmed) Theo walks in, walks around, eventually spotting Laccaria. Well, more like her tarantuala crawling out of her titty and onto their head and taking a seat. Ofc, Theo was quite alarmed, but ended up striking up a conversation. Laccaria went along with it ofc, and they started bonding. i think the main thing (pt

17.09.2020 15:20
Linkwas both of their hatreds for canines. they both just dont like them ya know? then, theo asked if laccaria was a meister. they said no, of course, so theo then asked if they were a weapon. laccaria said no again. then, theo thought of one last thing. 70-80 years ago (in this rp), witches started to attend DWMA, and started wielding weapons. so, theo asked if Laccaria was a witch. they say yes, and theo is a bit scared. are they going to rage or something and hurt him? i mean, there was still discrimination against witches, even in school. laccaria was just vibin with their spider. theo somehow came on the decision that laccaria would be able to wield him, and offered. he was like "hey, you think we can be partners?" or something like that, and laccaria asked what kind of weapon he was. he went into deep explanation, to which laccaria barely even listened. they go out to the front entrance, where some of laccaria's personality starts to pop through. they find a large leaf, as large as their face, all dry (pt 2

17.09.2020 15:25
Linkand stuff. there was a hole in it. so they look through it like some sort of telescope, looking around, then eventually landed on theo. their eye stayed on the male for a bit, before they silently tucked the leaf into their messenger bag. blah blah blah they end up being compatible.
but, here is a thing the creator said about theo. the whole thing about characters in relationships came up, and toma said that theo had a very specific type with few characters that fit that role on the server. so, of course, i was like "is his type a lady that keeps a tarantula in their cleavage?" and toma neither confirmed nor denied, but also, laccaria will probably be lonely forever. BUT, if they were to get with anyone, it would probably be theo, as thats the only person that they enjoy as a human being, (pt 3)

17.09.2020 15:31
Linkeven if he made her cry. heres the short story on that. so, they go to a restaurant. laccaria is just vibin. i dont know how it came up, but Laccaria started to talk about how they always wanted to help people, and if that meant being their punching bag, they'll comply, and that they have complied to something like that before. this got theo pretty heated, and he used a very stern tone with laccaria as he tried to tell her to stand up for herself. laccaria isnt good with yelling, or any stern voices in general, so started to gradually get more and more upset, just staring at their lap. theo got up and started to yell at her, basically trying to get her to fight back. then, laccaria started to cry, and they dont cry often. but theo didnt care, because hes lowkey an asshole, and continued to try to get something out of them. they finally told him to sit down and stop causing a scene, and theo did so. laccaria soon left, making the excuse that they had to feed their tarantula, and ran off. (pt 4)

17.09.2020 15:34
Linkthey were pretty upset for the rest of the night, and passed out before theo got back to the dorm. laccaria has been pretty sad since then, and i have no idea how theo feels. theyre shipped together and stuff, but i dont know if theyll actually become a thing, as laccaria is not going to forget that theo yelled at them, and didnt care that they were crying. thats basically it. this character is by tomaneko, and idk any of their @'s, just that. hes prolly not on flipanim, but who knows