I will do EVERYONE


26.10.2020 18:47

I'll be doing other things in-between bc I don't want it to get too boring-
and It might take awhile depending on my motivation and how many there are so sorry if you don't get yours right away ^^"
rules below:

1) You MUST include a ref of your OC, or else I can't make it for you
2) Your max OC count is 4, I might dial it down if the designs are very complecated or depeneding on the request, but if u have like a duo or trio then that is the max
3) NO 18+ REQUESTS, I am not doing anything with a lot of gore or 18+ things, I might include small amounts of gore depending on the thing but mostly, NO
4) BE PATIENT, I am only a human being with school and can't get everything done at once, I'll be trying to put out my best work since it'll be for other people so it will probably take a week or so for each one, not including content inbetween
5) You can submit anything, I can do animals and humans, furries are a bit weird but I can do mostly everything so there is not really a limit
6) BE VERY SPECIFIC, I want to make sure I'm doing what you WANT so please give me a lot of detail, I want like maybe a bit of backstory or explination to the thing you want me to create
Also I don't/can't do files