Whisper (+Lucky) info


06.09.2020 20:22
LinkName: Whisper Woods
Status: living in your house
Gender: male
Sexuality: your guess is as good as mine
Age: if he was human, 17? He’s a dumb teenager.
Power: He’s an enchanter. He can bind spells and curses to objects, but only once a day. If assisted by another mage he may be able to enchant 3, but they would be some pretty weak sauce spells. He is also color blind and the only things he can see colors accurately in are items with magic signatures. He cannot explain it for the life of him since he doesn’t know how other people see and doesn’t fully realize that he’s colorblind, but basically items that have been enchanted or are frequently in contact with a magic user will have a spell signature that makes them glow slightly in the color of that mage’s magic.

06.09.2020 20:23
LinkI’m about to slam these comments with a bunch of text. Strap in boys were going for a ride.

06.09.2020 20:25
LinkOther: Whisper has no filter. At all. He says everything that comes to mind and can’t tell the difference between whether he thought something or said it out loud. You could ask him a question and he’ll just not respond. It’ll take a second, but then you’ll realize he answered but forgot to say it out loud. Same thing with private thoughts. You will always know exactly what his first impression of you was because he will blatantly state his observations. It's stuff like this that makes it extremely difficult for him to lie.
This is also why when he first ran into the mansion he shouted for everyone to “Put down your pitchforks, pianos, and other stabby or crushy objects! I’ve got a safety hazard and it's magnetic!” It took about 10 minutes for everyone to know why he was there and literally NO ONE ASKED.

06.09.2020 20:26
LinkWhisper came to the mansion seeking medical? help from Ruth. He wasn’t sure what kind of assistance she could provide. All he really picked up was someone pointing and listing her name and after 2 weeks of wandering he took off before they finished talking. Hence why he was distracted shortly after his outburst to see all the glowing colors of the witches in the mansion. It was the most color he had seen in his entire life and he was shell shocked.
“Hello?” Cue mindless word vomit.

06.09.2020 20:26
Link “I was in the woods and I heard some dogs and I found Lucky getting attacked by dogs so I chased the dogs and I saw Lucky hurt so I healed Lucky but I can’t heal so I actually enchanted him and I’ve never enchanted anything alive and it turned out to be a bad enchant so actually I cursed him and now Lucky can’t get hurt well he can get hurt he gets hurt a lot turns out I cursed him to have the worst luck imaginable and he keeps dying but he can’t die because I cursed him and now he’s constantly getting hurt and can you remove it please?”

06.09.2020 20:26
LinkIt is at this point that everyone realizes that Whisper barks when he’s nervous. The panicked barking that occasionally broke his rant not helping to make it any less obvious.
Ruth takes them to another room and tries to get a more coherent version of the story and finds that every killing blow or large injury Lucky gets will heal completely. The only proof of it ever happening is that the place affected wll grow white fur rather than black. Lucky used to be entirely black.
Ruth is worried about the specifics of Whisper’s magic and whether if she tries to remove the spell it will kill Lucky permanently or how to even begin trying to remove it. They settle on Whisper and Lucky staying in the mansion until they fix this and Whisper allowing Ruth to study the items Whisper enchants.

06.09.2020 20:27
Whisper straight up refuses to leave Lucky unsupervised because he feels like it’s entirely his fault that this happened to him, so he trusted Ruth to watch him that first day as he “baby-proofed” the house. I say that in quotes because Whisper was distracted the entire time by the house and the magic it radiated after being exposed to the magic of so many different casters. He spent most of the time snooping around rooms in the house and confiscating glowing objects that were “too dangerous” for Lucky that had particularly bright colors.
I also say “baby-proof” lightly because in order for the study Ruth was doing to work, Whisper had to enchant several objects that would be left and forgotten around the house. Things like a napkin that weighs 300 pounds that he enchanted and couldn't get off the floor, or a brush that whenever used will turn your fur pink and it can only be washed out with egg whites.

06.09.2020 20:27
LinkThe naming system for these objects can be pretty vague too given that something deemed an enchantment could be reevaluated as a curse if it had a negative or inconvenient effect added to it that the original object did not have.
Additionally, Whisper HAS a room that Ruth gave him. He could TECHNICALLY sleep there, but instead he uses it as more of a storage unit for all his glowing things and generally stays in Lucky’s room to keep him safe.
Whisper keeps with him some of his favorite magical items on his hat, including: a yellow button(first thing he’s enchanted. It glows yellow-brown like a firefly when it gets dark), a stick (brain fart moment. It’s like a boomerang. If he throws it or tries to get rid of it it always comes back. It glows yellowy-green), a golden fish hook (found it while wandering the countryside. It glows a vivid auburn), and a pair of green butterfly wings (he found in a library in Ruth’s house, pressed between the pages in a book. They glow a VIVID blue).

06.09.2020 20:28
LinkLucky is generally a tough guy and acts like he is bothered by Whisper’s mothering, but the second someone brings that cauldron of boiling hot something by, Whisper suddenly his knight in shining armor and will be transferred from annoyance to meat shield. They get along okay but Lucky seems to get along better with the people he isn’t constantly surrounded by.
I’m going to stop now. This is going too far. I have more to say but whatever. XD