popular users scare me
07.05.2022 15:25
Linkwhy do they scare you?
07.05.2022 15:25
LinkI feel inferior to them
07.05.2022 15:26
Linkaw dont think like that
im pretty chill with a good lump of them
they are all really sweet
07.05.2022 15:27
Linki kinda commented questioning if i scared you at all lmao
i dont know what you consider popular
which is why i will now ask, what do you think makes someone popular
07.05.2022 15:30
Linkit's mainly based on how many people actually pay attention to them, or people who are always on the popular page and such
You dont scare me tho dw
07.05.2022 15:31
Linkahh yeah makes sense
but thats good!! i try to be super chill w everyone
like Im lowkey afraid of them
I feel like they're gonna judge me like
"haha look at this child they deserve nothing they should die worthless bug"
a Follower count dosent make you powerful or, dont feel inferior because of some users big number of eyes on a niche website