fanart for Dinobrx
15.10.2018 09:42
Linkmmmmmk hold on
the anatomy is weird. for the back legs, its not just a bump. it looks like a backwards ass when you draw it that way and it doesn't look good.
lines clip through eachother in way too many places.
that's not a forehead thats a ****ing 26head
shading is inconsistent and messy and it's easy to tell you didn't have any planned light source
the leg that's up for some reason has a paw on it while the other feet don't
speaking of other feet, they're just curved rectangles
did you try
15.10.2018 14:04
Linki was tired.
15.10.2018 14:21
Linkwhat the hell.
15.10.2018 14:46
Linkthat's not an excuse for bad art.
15.10.2018 15:07
Linki know my art is bad. but it dose not need to be compared or rated like that i was lacking of motivation and i'm not good at anatomy or any of that stuff, I've only been drawing for 6 years and animating for 1.
15.10.2018 15:26
Link@spaceguts does it really matter? at least she tried
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15.10.2018 15:33
Linkwtf lmao
thats ****ing honesty and criticism, can you not take criticism?
seriously, don't be a retard
spaceguts is trying to help you improve in art
not to "bully" and "abuse" you
15.10.2018 15:35
Linki can take criticism but when some one says ;that's not an exscuse for bad art.; THEN. i get all sad and bullshit.
15.10.2018 15:40
LinkI understand if you're sad
calm yo tits down
some people don't adore your art
and you have to accept that
its not like your art is "perfect" and stuff
15.10.2018 15:42
LinkI am calm. and i know my art isn't perfect but i want to improve.
15.10.2018 15:46
Linkthen thats why the person gave you criticism, to help you improve
15.10.2018 15:48
Linki know but they didn't have to say my art was bad..
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15.10.2018 15:50
Link@Trashy mind your own businesses, atleast I have a point.
I get it, you're kinda right, just don't think that criticism = hate, and when someone calls your art bad, you can either try to calm down, try to improve, or ignore the person and move on :)
15.10.2018 15:50
Linktrashy why did you delete your comment lmfao
15.10.2018 15:51
Linkalso. crystal is right you should just say her art is good before you shadder her entire fricking heart just leave her alone saying she has bad art makes her sad and it will make her not even wanna try so? what if i told you that you had bad art? hmm. thats what i thought
15.10.2018 15:52
Linkalso cuz i can
15.10.2018 15:56
Sorry! for getting you into his i don't want to involve the whole website of flipanim over my bad art.
15.10.2018 15:56
Link"hmm. thats what I thought"
child, I wouldn't give a single piece of shit if you called my art bad,
If your art was any better than mine ( before you say anything, im not saying my art is better. ) and you gave me criticism instead of "your art is bad XDDD" then I would try to improve.
Im not saying crystals art is bad.
15.10.2018 15:58
its alright, we're good now, so dw if you think I hate you or something, now I understand everything I needed to know, I was just trying to say that spaceguts gave you criticism not hate btw :)
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15.10.2018 16:00
Link- and atleast spACEguTs waS bEinG honEst abOut yoUr aRt-
15.10.2018 16:00
Thank you, and i'll try to take criticism as a way to improve.
15.10.2018 16:01
Linkyou're welcome!!
im glad this didn't turn into some big drama
15.10.2018 16:01
LinkI didn't want it to!
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02.11.2018 03:12
mmmmmk hold on
Go **** yourself. If you're gonna criticize someone of their art, then at least do it respectfully. They can draw however they want.
I'm opposing spaceguts actions, but I think that you should put more effort into fanart. I'm not saying it looks bad, I'm saying if you're tired, just do it the following day instead of hurrying it up to publish it, no rush. Plus, why did you even do fanart for that cunt(Dinobrx)? He's being a ***** to you, you don't need to make him fanart.