

19.12.2020 19:21
LinkSo ur oc was in a gang/the mafia and had beef with this other gang.yall settled yall beef at this building and ur team ended up winning da battle,killing what you thought was everyone.you guys was exiting out the building and you were the last one about to head out the door but you heard quiet whimpering that was loud enough for you to notice and ig went to see who was causing it.you looked behind a desk and saw a boy :0 he looked terrified and just stared at you,pointing his small water gun right at your face like THAT was going to do something..he just stayed frozen in place nit saying a word he looked at you woth fear and tears in his eyes.wwyd ig?
Use more than one oc
This is josh past but if you were in it.

19.12.2020 19:24
Link((Also he's 10 in this))

Jim blinked in shock and looked at the kid. “Um.. Hi there.” He spoke calmly, kneeling down and he put his hands up in front of the kid, showing he had no weapon.
Alexander noticed that Jim wasn’t following the others. “Jim! What’s taking so long?!” He called out to him.

“Just go! I’ll meet you and the rest of the guys outside!” He called back and sighed. “Kid I an’t gonna hurt you. I wouldn’t kill a kid and I’m sorry you had to hear and see that.” He told the kid and sat down in front of him.
He sighed and started to walk again. “What is Jim doing?” Ida asked when she stood beside him. He shrugged and they walked out.

He knew he couldn’t take him to his dad since he was probably one of the people he or his group members murdered. “I can’t take you to your dad. He told me he wanted me to take care you.” He didn’t like to lie about this kind of stuff but he didn’t want the kid to go off running and getting killed by one of the others.

Animator: *Animator was only there because of the favor they owed to the boss of the gang, they didn’t really like the idea of working under people. As they were the last to leave they went to the door but stopped when hearing the boy, they looked around before hesitantly going to check it out. Anim raised a brow when Finding him under the table and tipped their hat so he wouldn’t see the top half of their face* ...?

Animator: *they put their needles then put their hands up while slowly kneeling down not wanting to startle him any more than he was, plus they didn’t think getting drenched with water would be very fun either. They kept their hands up while keeping their eyes on him, calmly speaking* Hey..it’s alright I’m not gonna hurt you kid.

*the man also had red hair but it was a lot shorter and had a mask on*
Tatsuo: *he adjusted his mask while looking around before looking back at them, squinting a bit* what’re you still doing in here? We’re about to get going-
Animator: *they stood in front of the table, blocking the child. Their voice was more stern when talking to the man but still gave a small smile* oh just uh- looting the place- yknow.

Tatsuo: I never thought you’d be the type to do that. *he chuckled a bit, noticing how stiff they looked* you coming?
Animator: nah you can go, tell your boss i won’t be coming. *they shook their head, something about the tone in Tatsuo’s voice made them a bit nervous but kept their cool. Tatsuo hesitantly nodded then left without another word, Anim had a sigh of relief and rubbed the back of their neck. They weren’t the best at lying but it was good enough to keep the boy hidden, they kneeled again* ...it’s okay now, he’s gone.

Animator: *they paused, before averting their gaze. it made sense now why he was here in the first place, his dad was probably here too. They felt a pang of guild then let out a quiet sigh, looking back at him. They pondered if they should tell him or not but decided against it. They weren’t very well at comforting others but that didn’t stop them from trying* he’s..he’s not here at the moment.

Animator: well then Joshua..let’s go get some pizza. *Animator awkwardly smiled as they started to walk, it had been a while since they had someone to accompany them anywhere besides a brawl, they didn’t really have any friends either so they were just awkward? They still had a calm tone to their voice but they were hesitant especially in this situation*