

10.03.2020 02:42
Link-start here-

10.03.2020 02:43
LinkRyu: *she had just gotten out of the shower and walked through the house with just a towel on, not realizing she had a male roommate*

10.03.2020 02:45
LinkJohn: *he looked around, pretty confused. It was his first time here*

10.03.2020 02:45
LinkRyuu: *she walked passed him, not noticing he was there*

10.03.2020 02:47
LinkJohn: *he noticed her walk by and quickly looked away* Imma just... Take a moment to erase that from my memory -_-

10.03.2020 02:49
LinkRyuu: *she went to her room and got dressed, eventually walking out to see him* uh- your my roommate right-? *she slid her hair to her shoulder*

10.03.2020 02:51
LinkJohn: I believe so... Unless they screwed up the room number *he set his things down on the table* I'll leave those there for now if you don't mind...

10.03.2020 02:52
LinkRyuu: okay then. *she sat down and started to read*

10.03.2020 02:55
LinkJohn: *he sat down at the table and pulled out multiple books and papers and sighed*

10.03.2020 02:57
LinkRyuu: *she crawled over to him and looked at the papers in confusion* whats all of this?

10.03.2020 03:00
LinkJohn: Work... *He tapped the table with his pencil*

10.03.2020 03:05
LinkRyuu: *she giggled a little* this should've been done a long time ago. *she picked up one of the papers and looked at it*

10.03.2020 03:08
LinkJohn: Well I'm new here, and they decided to make me cram it all into one night *he shook his head*

10.03.2020 03:11
LinkRyuu: well usually they'd enroll you in a new year, that odd *she smiles softly* i can help you with this if you want

10.03.2020 03:13
LinkJohn: *he checked his watch* That would cut back on some time... Sure, why not?

10.03.2020 03:16
LinkRyuu: i mean, if it relieves some stress yea *she grabbed some of the papers and started to read them before she worked on them*

10.03.2020 03:17
LinkJohn: *he began working as well, occasionally getting distracted and sneaking a glance over at her before going back to working*

10.03.2020 03:19
LinkRyuu: *she was focused, and eventually when she got a few papers done, she stretched*

10.03.2020 03:20
LinkJohn: *satisfied with his work, he showed her his first couple of papers to get her opinion*

10.03.2020 03:23
LinkRyuu: *she leaned under him slightly to read them, and then smiles* its good, really good.

10.03.2020 03:25
LinkJohn: Really?

10.03.2020 03:27
LinkRyuu: *she sat up and looked at him* yeah ^^

10.03.2020 03:28
LinkJohn: Thanks *he smiled*

10.03.2020 03:30
LinkRyuu: *she smiled sweetly* no problem *she laid back on the couch, trying to stretch because her back hurt*

10.03.2020 03:31
LinkJohn: I appreciate the help

10.03.2020 03:35
LinkRyuu:im thankful that you appreciated the help, not many people do. *she hugged him*

10.03.2020 03:40
LinkJohn: *he blushed* heh...

10.03.2020 04:03
LinkRyuu: your cheeks are pink *she giggled*

10.03.2020 04:23
LinkJohn: *he covered his face with his hat, embarrassed*

10.03.2020 04:35
LinkRyuu: *she tried to look at him, but then smiled softly and tried to lift his hat up*

10.03.2020 04:41
LinkJohn: *he let her*

10.03.2020 04:44
LinkRyuu: *she looked at him for a second until she kissed him*

10.03.2020 04:46
LinkJohn: *he didn't know how to react, so he just sat there for a couple seconds*

10.03.2020 04:50
LinkRyuu: *she pulled way and blushed, covering her face* i-im sorry i didnt mean to-

10.03.2020 04:52
LinkJohn: *ahem* Well then... That was... Nice...

10.03.2020 04:54
LinkRyuu: *she slightly uncovered her face* w-wait, really?

10.03.2020 04:59
LinkJohn: *he nodded, blushing a bit*

10.03.2020 05:00
LinkRyuu: *she became flustered and mumbled* t-then can i do it again?

10.03.2020 05:03
LinkJohn: Eh... I-If you want...

10.03.2020 05:04
LinkRyuu: *she slowly wrapped her arms around him and kissed him again*

10.03.2020 05:08
LinkJohn: *he put his arms around her waist*

10.03.2020 05:18
LinkRyuu: *she pushed him down onto the couch, continuing to kiss him* mm~

10.03.2020 05:20
LinkJohn: *he blushed as he ran his hand through her hair*

10.03.2020 05:23
LinkRyuu: *she pulled away and started to kiss his neck*

10.03.2020 05:24
LinkJohn: *his eyes widened* ngh~...

10.03.2020 05:27
LinkRyuu: *she started to kiss around his collar bone*

10.03.2020 05:28
LinkJohn: 😌

10.03.2020 05:31
Linkemojis lmao)
Ryuu: *she smiled and looked up at him* you're enjoying this, aren't you? *she teased*

10.03.2020 05:33
Link(I couldn't describe it with words :p)
John: Y-Yeah...

10.03.2020 05:35
LinkRyuu: *she blushed and pointed down* d-do you want me to go lower..?

10.03.2020 05:38
LinkJohn: mhm...

10.03.2020 05:48
LinkRyuu: *she crawled down and pulled down his pants, as she was blushing she started to suck on it* m-mph~

10.03.2020 05:55
LinkJohn: mmm~ oh j-jesus...

10.03.2020 05:58
LinkRyuu: *she started to suck harder* mphh~~

10.03.2020 06:00
LinkJohn: nghh~ *he arched his head back*

10.03.2020 07:25
LinkRyuu: *she kept sucking, eventually getting faster*

10.03.2020 20:18
LinkJohn: *he started panting*

10.03.2020 20:49
LinkRyuu: *she smiled and kept moving her head back and forth* mmm~

10.03.2020 20:54
LinkJohn: *he groaned*

10.03.2020 20:58
LinkRyuu: *she kept going, waiting for him to cum*

10.03.2020 21:03
LinkJohn: *glues because it sounds funny 👌*

10.03.2020 21:04
Ryuu: *she looked up at him, blushing*

10.03.2020 21:06
LinkJohn: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

10.03.2020 21:08
LinkRyuu: *she moved up and hugged him*

10.03.2020 21:10
LinkJohn: *he hugged her as well, blushing with all that had just happened*

10.03.2020 21:12
LinkRyuu: *she layed her head on his chest as she became flustered*

10.03.2020 21:15
LinkJohn: heh...

10.03.2020 21:17
LinkRyuu: *she looked up at him and blushed* that was odd... was it?

10.03.2020 21:26
LinkJohn: A little...

10.03.2020 21:27
LinkRyuu: *she kissed his neck softly*

10.03.2020 21:29
LinkJohn: *he ran his hand down her back*

10.03.2020 21:30
LinkRyuu: *she softly gasped and kissed his neck again*

10.03.2020 21:35
LinkJohn: -w-

10.03.2020 21:39
LinkRyuu: *she covered her face and blushed*

10.03.2020 22:52
LinkJohn: Are you alright?

11.03.2020 16:05
LinkRyuu: y-yeah

11.03.2020 20:34
LinkJohn: *he hugged*