Lots of People!
Rainbow Dog
spicy meatball but its hacked
Volt, Cackles & Cilo ^^
75% of flipanim
22.03.2018 10:14
Link75% have faked depression and 5% is really depressed 20%just draws trying to ignore all the drama
basically sums it up
22.03.2018 10:14
One way to tell if someone is faking is if they mention it a million times, make a million posts about it, and tell everyone.
People with depression won't openly admit they have depression, they don't want to. It's rare for someone with depression to admit having it. They don't want to have it, yet people who are faking wear it like a trophy. Right after an edgy animation they'll make a cutesy one five seconds later. They'll say sucidal things and when you ask them why they'll just say "depression" like, there is a reason people are depressed, and with people who are born with depression they have reasons to stay depressed. Thi she won't do anything to stop the fakers, but please, just.... DONT