i might quit FA
22.12.2020 17:08
Linklmt pls
22.12.2020 17:09
Linkthe reason why: jerk and their followers harassing me, my sister making tons of prank accounts, too many cyberbullies.
i might have to quit if this doesnt stop.
22.12.2020 17:10
Linkand P L E A S E do not comment on my chain
22.12.2020 17:16
Linkit just seems like everyone is after specifically me. im sick and tired of it.
people seem to be targetting people like ME, who are cyberbullied on a daily basis.
in the first place, why even cyberbully. if you ewere over 12 you would be in juvy. its worthless to get yourself in trouble and make other people feel sad. spreading the hate doesnt help.
just, please stop cyberbullying. its not ok to do that.
and please remember: im always here to help. like how @Cocoadoggo45 is to me.
22.12.2020 17:17
Linkactullly if you were over 14 you would be in juvy sorry lmao
"jerk and their followers harassing me,"
stating an opinion is different from harassment, I never said "go hate on this user" I said, "please don't interact with them if they seem to rally something up."
yes I am a jerk
I know <3
you know what?
you're the one who vents 20 times a day.
if you had depression you wouldn't smear it on our faces like that.
deary me, can i go on?
if someone is hating on you would you waste your time replying to them, making a cool paragraph only to get deleted?
if you were actually depressed you wouldn't tell anyone.
only family.
so shut up, shape-shifter.
how do you know if I do or do not have depression?
I don't vent 20 times a day and venting is for mental health
I say I'm panicking for people to hopefully talk to me and cheer me up, also uwugrlpikachu that is not an exuse for you to act that way to me when all i did was draw my fursona, y'all might wanna look back on how this started?
I know you said to leave the post alone but I want to make it clear here I want you to stop being a massive hypocrite and also you're coming at my friend for helping me you're ignoring the parts about yourself and only repeating bad things about me which a lot of people actually have depression so it's not such a rare thing to have you're a hypocrite because you come at me for venting when you have been to before I don't recall you if you even trying to help me when I vent in the past.