pokemon sun moon
155 frames! Enjoy! 😸
My childhood
Real animation in comments
A cute little animation
18.11.2020 18:04
LinkWhat is DTAE
18.11.2020 18:06
Linkwait nevermind I understand dhsahghsdg
18.11.2020 18:14
Linklmao the e is just entry
This is Menadeil. He has the power to rewind an object's time.
He was born and grew up in a broken family, but he lived in peace until he was about 5 years old, but at that point, life took a turn for the worst. He lost his pack after going on his first hunting trip. He was startled by a deer and his powers went wrong and rewound his packmates to the point of disappearance, and was rejected by all. Except when he found Kai's pack of mishaps. Kai took him in and he warmed up to them, especially Azula. With newfound friends, he had to survive this bitter world. But with his perseverance and talents, he managed to train to perfection and keep ahead of the curve. This has turned him into the wolf he is today.
With the lessons of the past, he now works as a scout in Kai's pack. By doing so, he hopes to learn more about his power, help his friends and finally find the pleasureful life he has never had.