am i stupid or smart idk


16.04.2021 01:32
Linkscript since my mouse writing skills are atrocious:
me in vid game be like
god: u want super rare ability or super common one?
me: common
god: um ok (idiot lol)
me: *gets worst spec* (spec = speciality)
god: ??
me: *makes op combo*
god: !?
me: *makes inf combo only escapable by p block* (inf combo = infinite combo) (p block = perfect block)
god: what wtf
me: *holds gun at myself for no specific reason
god: what?
me: *shoots*
god: what the hell-
ability: literal key that can kidnap people inside of it???
spec: vampire
i play the babies game but so do my friends that are older than me but we dont associate ourselves with baby game because the only reason we play it is cause we are poor lmao

16.04.2021 01:33
Linkthis script makes me cringe hard i want to delete this