
New oc :) (name ideas please!)




Icarus Challenge

undertale 6 - comedian-comment
wwyd (no pic)


22.06.2020 23:06
Linklemme type plz and thank you

22.06.2020 23:09
Linkso your oc and susie are best friends...and one day she decides to walk in the forest with you only to see that her sister claire was waiting there (you heard bad stuff about claire) and claire grabs susie by the neck and trys to strangle her...wwyd

(*grabs william* HE MINE NOW HAAHHAAHAHHA XD jkjk) susie: *susie looked down and begans to cry* i didnt m-mean too.....i-i s-snapped b-by accedent (oof i spell) a-and they made me into a demon on purpose......claire: YOU DIDNT DESERVE TO BE A ANGLE susie: WELL YOU SURE DIDNT YOU TRIED TO KILL ME MORE THEN I CAN COUNT AND LIKE YOU STOLE MY POWERS FOR YOUR SELFISH NEEDS!!! claire: well i did deserve to be a angle..*she chuckled*

claire: she didnt deserve it like our parents said susie: number 1 when you was born i was abused and treated like crud because of you number 2 i hanged around in my room because of you.....claire: you deserve no friends and you deserve to die *she gets up and turns into her corrupted angle form (i havent drew susie demon form or clair and her corrupted angle form ;w;)

(i might do that later ;w;) claire: *flys to susie and slams her on the ground* die *she grabs her knife and starts to stab susie* susie: *is trying to stay awake and fight back* g-GET OFF OF ME!! *she kicks claire off of her and lays on the ground barly alive* claire:..*smirks and began to walk to susie*