So, went to costco + Fredmeyer
30.04.2020 21:40
LinkI wore masks and gloves and stuff, but dear god there are so many stupid people at grocery stores
30.04.2020 21:43
LinkI can now safely say that Fred Meyer holds the most stupid people. Costco implemented a six foot interval waiting line, and was handing out free gloves, masks and wipes for your shopping cart. Fred Meyer made the employees wear masks and nothing else changed. Fred Meyer is way too cramped to have done so little. Not to mention the sheer amount of Karens with their little kids running around and touching everything with no masks or gloves, carrying god knows what diseases
30.04.2020 21:43
Linkhalf the people at Fred Meyer were maskless, but most of them were old people, so I guess that good old natural selection will take care of them
30.04.2020 21:45
LinkUse clicklist people. I beg of you get it delivered if you can