Facing Demons


26.01.2018 22:17
LinkAre you okay?

apparently my case isn't closed yet. I had to go to court and give prove to what happened. Brian didn't lie about anything to the judge, neither did I. He was nice to me, it's not like he TRIED to hurt me. I knew him, the cops didn't. I had told the judge I didn't say anything when it all happened because I was too scared that he would have forced me anyways. I'm just mad because HE was the ADULT. HE should have known this was wrong. If he was still out and about, he would have gotten another little girl to hurt. I know he isn't a good person, but I still feel like everything is all my fault. I'm the one who wanted to run away, he only supported me. I could see the cold regret on his face and I wanted to cry because I'm putting him in 20+ years of containment. I'm the one who did this to myself. If god was even real, he would have prevented that, he would have given me a hint or something not to do that. At this point, I'm not going to be surprised if I have HIV.