Please watch this...


06.12.2017 15:42
LinkI Know how you feel...

06.12.2017 15:45
LinkPeople always say that.... they pretend to be sad... I don't know if you really know how I feel. Too many teens have been saying that they're sad for me to trust you....
Thank you though...

Oh yeah, says the person who thought I was attention seeking because I vented
Sorry not sorry but I can't support you

Dude.... I didn't mean to offend you.... I speak before thinking ok? Too many people are pretending to be sad for me to trust anyone when they say they're sad... I even said that If you were actually sad that I was sorry.... I'm not attention seeking and this is how I feel. I even said that I live a mostly happy life... and you don't even know anything about me. How come you're holding a grudge for something I already apologized about??

And I don't care about a "if this isn't the case I'm sorry"
It doesn't work that way
I'm holding a grudge because I really did feel that way and really was on the edge of considering suicide, just to get it over with, and you come along and tell me it's attention seeking. The only thing I could think was "what the frick would you have said if I actually did it? Would you still say I'm attention seeking?"

If you don't *mean* to be a jerk, then sit the frick down and think about what you're going to say before you say it. Maybe take into account that trust and respect go both ways, and you need to give some to get some. And don't defend things that you claim to say before you think. Then maybe it'll seem like a legitimate claim.

I don't want anyone else to get mad at me for an accident! You get mad at me for making you feel sad, and now you're doing the same thing to me. You know how it feels to be really sad, how come you are trying to make me feel bad for something I never meant to do in the first place? I just want to be normal, I don't want to not talk to you. I want to have friends not enemies. I don't want to start drama, and I just want to be happy.
Mabe we should just never talk to each other again?