@mw @clino


07.11.2020 05:47
Linkcould you like,
release your anger onto me hjfndska

07.11.2020 05:48
LinkI did it to you guys and like ehbvfdnj
I deserve it from both of you

07.11.2020 05:55
LinkMy eyebrow is leaking some weird water thing wtf am I dying

UH U H grr I hate u! U were so rude to meπ I cant believe u rn.......πΏ
Anyways hm I mean look at us now! We've formed a better bond AND actually started to chat alot more which shows we both improved.
I forgot what you said but me ignoring you? Ignoring anyone? Yeah that would definetily make someone feel like they were in a fake friendship the entire time, and doing it for a dumb reason as jealousy? That shit is ****ed up of me to do honestley, I would honestley tell my old self to man the **** up and overcome that jealousy like it was some ant