Kirby’s worst day (au)


22.07.2020 08:58
LinkLet me type

22.07.2020 09:02
LinkKirby was sleeping behind a tree, king dedede was still playing chess, after last time. While the waddle dees are rebuilding his castle, meta knight is doing his thing. Suddenly something unusual appeared infront of kirbys eyes, it told Kirby that everything you heard is fake while the bad is real. Kirby gets confused and says “what do you mean, the good is fake and the bad is real? This makes no sense!” Then that shadow says... “this is...” and went into kirby’s body, now it’s up to his friends to find him because they never saw him for a while.
That’s the story :F
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22.07.2020 09:10
LinkWhen they found Kirby, dedede saw kirby’s eyes. Meta knight saw that same shadow that went inside him.
The shadow tried to posses them but they were fast enough, king dedede has to carry bandana dee, and he also tried to fly too.
Once the shadow is defeated. Kirby is back to normal.
And when they saw that shadow.. it was a ghostling. Belonging to someone unknown, but before they could smash it, Kirby carried it and put plasters on. And lifted his hands up so the ghostling can go to the sky.
Then everything is back to normal! :D

22.07.2020 09:13
LinkBg inspired by this video