Volunteer to Help Here
09.06.2020 05:32
09.06.2020 05:38
Linklol you commented before i did
09.06.2020 06:40
Comment removed
Hello again! As you may or may not know, this account was recently reopened. If you don't know what this account is or is for, I suggest you check out my first anim before continuing,
I made this account to spread art, and as a single person it's hard to do that very often. I've taken SCupcake's suggestion and decided to let multiple people on this account to help.
If you would like to volunteer, message me through Discord at UnderratedUsers#2019. Tell me your exact FlipAnim user, and also comment here. Nothing else is needed.
Helper roles is not first come first serve (bc trolls). If I do not reply to you (on Discord or Flip) within 7 days, unfortunately I did not choose you to help. If I do, we'll continue from there and I'll add you to a group DM, where I will explain rules and such.
Thanks for your support and sorry for being so formal lol i just love writing like that
I love how you are doing this for the underrated users of FlipAnim. It brightens my day knowing that someone is kind enough to do all of this, and Im pretty sure that everyone else thanks you too. Keep up the great work! -theofficialdoodler