Neib átse

❤️ Corgi! 🐾


The man. Tis him.

🌱*A thorny Tree Monster*

Kenma o(╥﹏╥)o

Lavender (reupload)
Meet James


21.08.2020 02:27
Linkprolly gonna redesign
Comment removed
Comment removed

21.08.2020 02:47
LinkName James Miller. ((last name named after a grumpy teacher of mine because yes)
Age 26-28
Height 6'2
Type Hooman
Sex male
Sexuality Straight
Personality Pretty bossy, dominant has a very short temper and the type to get set off and yell a lot, if he likes your company he might be nice but for the most part no
Backstory Raised in a very strict Christian family outside of the city, his father visited home every 2 moths for a week because he was a general in the us army
At 13 his father started training him to get ready for the military so he didn't focus much on growing up and having fun it was more of just proving himself to get stronk enough and all that
When he turned eighteen he joined the forces but he ended up getting shot in the shoulder and his side which almost killed him-
now he's alright but moved to the city and yeah-
big muscular guy mm

21.08.2020 02:55
Linkhe also has a German shepherd named Lé
its a gorl