debunking "anatomy practice"


10.11.2020 09:38
Linkk so uh
if I say "minors shouldn't be drawing porn,
don't reply "what about anatomy practice"

10.11.2020 09:39
I know this might be groundbreaking but
not all anatomy requires dicks and vaginas smh

10.11.2020 09:42
Link"I'm practicing to draw porn when I'm an adult"
if I stab you
can I just say "I'm technically not stabbing you, I'm PRACTICING my stabbing" like wtf ur still doing it???

Debunking? Lmao this isn't ghost adventures. As long as what they're drawing is of someone of legal age, it's fine. I agree on minor characters/oc's but if it's legal age even just porn it's fine 🤯🤯 you gotta stop being so uptight dude

No, it isn't, it's ghostbusters dumbass.
and no it isn't lmao kids shouldn't be exposed to this shit, pedophiles will think of them as someone who just accepts shit like this, "Minors can consent if they're mature enough" like wtf do have any idea how many KIDS get GROOMED from this shit??
pedophiles see them as a low hanging fruit omfg.

I am litteraly 13. Sex is human. Sex is natural, I don’t know what you want from me. And I said ghost adventures, not ghost busters, referencing them debunking what they think was some sort of spirit. And drawing porn is just drawing porn?? You think rule 64 artist are getting harassed by mf wanting dick picks?? Nah mate they just want A drawing of their oc with a massive werewolf cock stfu