Butch Vs Buttercup
You know
Firestar Walking
The Avelion! For a contest!
Alien Demon hunter
Are you OK ?
(4 people with a tough life rn
13.11.2017 10:00
LinkSo I know this won't make a difference for what some if you are or might be going through but I still wanted to do this to try and help others who are thinking things they shouldn't
13.11.2017 10:08
LinkOk so I know some of ya are having a rough time dealing with stuff irl that is everything then minor or serious so I just wanted to write this to see if it would make any of ya feel better it probably won't but whatever. You might say this "you are just a person on the internet you don't care" but yeah I do I might not know what you are going through or who you are but I do care I am atleast human to care about someone else I don't bug them and ask them what happened I just try to help them or cheer them up. Some of you might be dealing with things way out of my hands to deal with but you can still get help from people you know can help you. Some of you don't have any friends but you could talk or text someone who you have met online that you KNOW you can trust talk to anyone you can about it. keeping a secret hidden can either be good or terrible I don't mean to touch any nerves by doing this I just can't stand people upset it makes me sick and of what humanity has become from the past years.
13.11.2017 10:09
LinkSo I am sorry if you guys are dealing with some terrible stuff if I made anyone angry again I am sorry I don't know how you guys feel about your situation if you are in a situation.