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reasons for you to hate me :)
17.12.2020 14:43
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Hi my name is Tuff and I'm going to tell you why you should hate me so that you can leave right now. - I [Obviously] speak my mind and I'm not afraid to say my opinion out loud no matter what it is. - I think people who smoke are irresponsible af and deserve no respect until they decide to stop or at least make an effort. - Tomato is a vegetable. - I'm [very] lesbian. - I think women deserve every fragment of power they have over men and I think they deserve to use it as freely as they want. - No I'm not saying it's okay to lie about whether or not someone raped you. - The Christian religion has zero knowledge or science involved in it and that makes me angry. I don't hate Christian people but I think their religion is stupid and if god actually chooses paths for people, he is a piece of shit. - Too late but I swear/cuss/curse whatever you want to call it. - There is a decent chance I am taller than you. - Rodeos are a real good example of white trash at its finest. - I had no idea there was a
17.12.2020 14:53
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max on the comments lol - Coffee and tea are both amazing. - My favorite character in the movie or show, no matter what it is, is the sensible one. I don't give a shit about emotion. For example, Douglas in Bird Box was my favorite literally from the beginning. [****ing love John Malkovich] - Art can be anything. There isn't a ****ing rulebook. - I don't think it's right to lie to people about how good their art is. If they have art you dislike or is simply at a beginner level, don't be an ASSHOLE about it but give them some feedback, point out the pros and cons, and encourage them to improve. - I'm gonna say it. - I promise. - It's coming out now. - Any moment now. - I ****ing hate babies and young children and I see them as nothing more than annoying, helpless pieces of flesh. And lastly, I'm ugly. Nobody thinks I am but I do so I'm just gonna say that.
17.12.2020 15:00
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Oh one last thing. I have a phobia of Walkie Talkies. I can expla- It's called Buhuajiphobia. Just, don't ask-
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