Chibi Cinccinno Chan

p-gon z

god speed little Merlin

i guess no feature this year

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Happy Valentine's!

smoker man
Confession lol


04.11.2020 07:22
LinkOkay the first thing I want to say is…wow, we’ve got some expert detectives in Flipanim. I didn’t know people would recognize me just from my first anim, yes, I’m Mooslima. Honestly, I didn’t even know I had a drawing style of my own…
Why did I made this account? Well, I made a DeviantArt account named Blushy-Bear and I wanted to post animations there too, but I didn’t want to post my other account Mooslima’s animation, because it wouldn’t match the theme, so I made a new FA account. Am I still going on a break for a few days? Yes. Do I still have school? Yes. Am I going to be active on both accounts? Yes. Do I love you guys? Yes.

04.11.2020 09:00
Linkbtw, here is my DeviantArt --> https://www.deviantart.com/blushy-bear
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