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03.04.2021 03:24
03.04.2021 03:26
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03.04.2021 03:26
LinkMoonkit’s phase of laughing was cut short with a yowl so loud that she thought Deltakit had woken up the whole Clan.
“Okay I’m going to let you handle her.” Wingkit said, looking at Deltakit profusely. Moonkit didn’t know what she was doing but it looked like she was...stretching? 'Who knows what goes on in her mind...' She thought, rolling her eyes.
03.04.2021 03:26
LinkPinekit slowly opened his eyes and yawned, shaking himself to wake up. Wingkit and Nettlekit finally started cleaning up a few strands of moss that had managed to get on the sides of the nursery wall. It practically blended in with the dark green leaves curled over, and yet there was just a slight offset in color. It would be time to water the grass soon and collect new bedding. It was slightly crumbly and dry. But Wingkit didn’t bother wondering, that was the apprentices job.
03.04.2021 03:27
LinkMoonkit twitched her whiskers as she watched Wingkit clean up Nettlekit’s and Moonkit’s leftover moss ball. 'Should her..?' She pondered at that for a moment and then as soon as she decided, Wingkit had already cleaned it all up. 'Well..It’s not like I was going to anyways…' She thought with a wince for waiting so long. Yawning, she could feel the soft rays of light coming from outside the nursery. It was beginning to turn dawn and she could hear cats moving around outside. Moonkit looked at Briarsong for permission to go out of the den and she nodded, squealing with delight, she scrambled outside.
03.04.2021 03:28
LinkAs soon as Pinekit was eligible to start moving she turned to her mother as she nodded. Pinekit came dashing after Moonkit with Wingkit and Deltakit behind. Nettlekit pounced Wingkit straight away and the two wrestled each other. Taking a quick glance over she could see Deltakit and Moonkit practicing warrior moves they had seen from apprentices.
03.04.2021 03:29
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