Monochop doodle


09.04.2019 22:59
Comment removed

Sorry to bring this up here, but I just want you to know something.
"By protesting, I only meant praying or holding a (non-offensive) sign outside the gates. Some trained sidewalk councilors try to make conversation with the women going in."
that is something you said, and believe is right. Which is honestly, horrifying. Imagine you were a rape victim, a young teen, or someone medically unable to have a baby without harming yourself, and a group of people chanting and holding signs, trying to hold you back from helping yourself. You are ALREADY scared, traumatized and nervous, and a group of people are all standing there to confront you.
While I do believe protest is ok, and I do respect that if you believe strongly in something, you can express that but PLEASE leave the victims alone, and take it to the politicians, the people who can ACTUALLY change something.
I recommend you watch this.

No need to apologize for bringing it up.
The statement I made (which you have quoted) was a clarification on what I meant in another statement in which I referenced "protest at a local clinic" as a means of combating abortion. As you have clearly read the statement, I will not repeat myself.
I will, however, point out that I NEVER listed chanting or holding someone back as a reasonable and acceptable way of communicating with someone in such a difficult circumstance. I don't agree with screaming someone down or being disrespectful in any way or form. That being said, I have not claimed that this kind of thing does not happen, only that not EVERYONE "protesting" outside of an abortion clinic is engaged in that kind of faulty communication.
My statement was an attempt to encourage those who share my belief to stand up and strive to help our cause and all lives involved, and I have already clarified what I mean.

Also, I have not watched the video yet. But I just want you to know that I don't agree with deception of any kind. Crisis pregnancy centers should not be advertising to women as if they were abortion clinics. I don't agree with untruth in general and have not made excuses.
That being said, I will not change my belief on a matter based on the wrongs of another who happens to share some of my opinions.

Thank you for responding! I was a little worried you might delete my comment, so it's nice to have a reasonable conversation.
While I do object to confronting people who want an abortion, in any way, such as prayer which some people do consider "harmless" I can respect wanting to help others. I can CLEARLY see you mean no harm, as you are simply trying to help, and I understand I cannot change your opinion, I was simply concerned about the treatment of victims who want an abortion.
Yet again, thank you for responding. Even if we do not agree with each other's opinions, I respect you as a talented artist, and I plan on not talking about this again because some people are getting quite bitter.
to end on a happier note, I love your art, Your color choices are amazing.

I am glad that respectful debate is something that can be achieved! Thank you as well! :)
I believe that all options should be explored when it comes to these issues. I don't think that confronting a person in a reasonable way offers offense or should be viewed as aggression. (I don't consider praying as confronting someone. I don't go up to people and pray at them, if that's what you mean. I only quietly stand outside the perimeter gates and pray. And many of my fellow pro-lifers do so as well.)
I see this issue as one about life and death, and while I am going to react accordingly, I do want to respect you as a person. And I can see you have a lot of compassion for women in these situations, as do I. So, that's something we can definitely agree on. We won't go anywhere if we can't respect and show compassion for one another!
When it comes to my art, thank you! I'll check out yours, as I don't believe I have yet!