

25.09.2020 05:11
LinkHi :D!
In this contest, I'll give you 3 emojis and you'll have to draw something relating to those three emojis. Example - let's say I gave you these emojis: 🌊🌨🐳. You would have to include a whale, and the aesthetic would be ocean.
- No bases (Even if you made them)
- No NSFW, but can include a bit of gore if needed (blood, maybe a limb missing but that's it)
- No copying/tracing
- Try your best and have fun <3!
If you break any of these rules (excluding the last one) then you'll be disqualified.
1st: Detailed fanart, follow, shoutout, 30 likes and a custom.
2nd: Headshot fanart, follow, shoutout, 20 likes and an OC (Just say the aesthetic and I'll go on from there).
3rd: Sketch fanart, shoutout, and 10 likes.
Feel free to ask any questions ^^!
oh my gosh i hope this isn't some offensive flag that i don't know about yet
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25.09.2020 05:25
LinkI'm judging based on:
- Effort - How much effort has been put into the drawing?
- Emotion - How well does the drawing convey emotion?
- Message - What's the message the drawing is trying to get across? How well does the drawing convey the message?

25.09.2020 05:27
LinkYou get a week to finish your drawing (Ends 2nd October). I may allow extensions though, if for any reason you can't get it in on time.

25.09.2020 06:52
LinkYou can do up to 3 drawings, and each time I'd give you a different set of emojis. I would judge them all.
And you can add any character, whether they're your own or from a fandom, so long as you include all the emojis.
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