TYSM for 50 srry** T-T
12.02.2021 09:19
LinkThere are not so many people here an dyep i hate seeing this its so bad like i didnt even add soo many just i think the ones who followed me for a long time so here it is the trash!
12.02.2021 09:20
Linki hope u hate it those who r in here
12.02.2021 09:21
Linkand these are my followers
WhimsicalWhimsicott, mrsmily0u0, LinkTheDoggo, RK900-, xXAngelXx, PandasPeaceAndLove, BlueNitro9561, Tsumugi, AceOfDiamonds, AAAEEEAAAEEE, Bre-The-Kiwi, RBLX-Flicker-Speaker, LilyCat, liadraws, 2ndlil-Lemon, Pug444, Bigplan3, DeltaIsSusYeP, Didopay, FozzyTheHamster, kittylebuns, AsrielTheGoat, Your-Local-Stick, Gecko-System, FA-ANIME, Shadowtheshadowwolf, Blackout578, That-0ne-W3eb, DeadinSouL, FruityCharm, Eduardo089, free-follow, PuppypartcatQueen, cicidope, mariamk2011, MatthewMason, Potato-Berry12, Infinity999, Kindor, Galacium-X-, Jaye-C, rexmationX, frog-of-the-east, ExPEciAL, YikeezMaiL, UnderNeph, Icey-Kun, VikaPika, Glimmer24, Toucan-0f-the-South, Boti-Donutz, Wolfiez-Animz