@Destopur (comments)


17.02.2021 17:57
Linkthat wasn't very smart of me to say, i should've thought more about what i was commenting, most of my friends who have siblings i say the same thing and we just laugh and joke about it, so i didn't grow the mindset to think that it was offensive, i used to have an older sister and since she abandoned me i kinda had a grudge and was jealous of people who did have siblings, what i said wasn't nice and i feel guilty after realizing that what i said was offensive, i am sorry, it's okay if you don't forgive me, i'm a jerk...

17.02.2021 18:05
Linki didn't mean to offend you, i just thought it was dark humor, i now know it wasn't and you're upset, i don't know what to do to fix it but i won't try to until you're ready for me to prove that i'm sorry, you probably don't forgive me and i understand, i just hope that we can forget about it someday, but the good thing is that i learned that i should THINK before talking, that's my problem that i need to fix...

well still. its not dark humor to me to talk about killing my sibling. he is only 8. so he can get really annoying. the only time i joke about doin anything to him, is when a really good friend of mine tells me to eat him. which i respond with "cant, hes not ripe yet". its an inside joke between us. plus the fact that i clearly didnt wake up in a good mood. i dont know if you were trying to light up the mood or not, or if you noticed i was in a horrible mood. but next time, please be aware of others and what youre going to say before you say it. i have this problem too, so its not just you.

i was trying to cheer you up because that's what cheered my other friends up when their siblings annoyed them to the point where they were angry or upset in any way, so i was just going off instict of what cheered MY friends up, i didn't really think of the fact that it would offend you, i am very sorry and imma just leave now to guilt eat my whole fridge ;w;

1. i know you're not like my other friends, i just didn't think that it would offend you until AFTER i posted it ;-;
2. idk you either but i still try my best to get to know you a little- (not by talking cuz idk how to star conversation- so i just learn from ur posts ;w;)
3. okeh- imma just not try anymore then- :,D