- create flipbook animations online!
User RosaMAlibu
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Registered: 19.04.2020
Latest comments
15.05.2020 01:22
ur animations are so beautiful I bet i can't even draw like u because i am so bad
07.05.2020 00:29
that is a cool animation but one suggestion, maybe u could zoom out of the face and show a funny face like scared when he looks brave from the eye and just to let u know you are amazing at animation
07.05.2020 00:13
it so long to work on this
07.05.2020 00:12
your art animation i s so amazing like great job
06.05.2020 00:12
dude that is cool and super cute i can't stop looking
Animations (2)
gotcha donut!!!!
3 years ago
Icecrea!!!! Yummy
4 years ago