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User Robot22344
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Registered: 12.11.2020
Latest comments
30.09.2023 16:44
It's the weekend I'm not getting into drama rn comment what you wanna say and I'll read that later
30.09.2023 16:41
And the shit about you sayin the n word is literally fake and they're not even tryna hide that 💀
30.09.2023 16:39
Get yo silly ass outta here before you get your feelings hurt again
30.09.2023 16:38
And making 3000 posts about how we're stupid isn't cool you're just annoying because you're on a website where you're gonna see trolls and you just gotta deal with it
30.09.2023 16:37
Like yo mama should NOT have given you an ipad and wifi 💀💀💀
Animations (1)
Ok bro 💀
7 months ago