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User InsectProductions
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Registered: 04.06.2018
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04.06.2018 16:39
Although I have made a series primarily about bugs, that does not mean I don't hate a few of them. I especially despise wasps because of their large, menacing body. Anyways, I drew a cat GhostBuster as an exterminator.
04.06.2018 15:23
A long time ago, my family and I lived with my great aunt. She did not have enough beds for most of us to sleep, so I slept downstairs. With her, of course. So I fell asleep, but woke up one time, not knowing what was wrong. It was, I don't know, around 5:00 or something, but what I saw shocked me. I saw something standing up in the covers. I wasn't and still am not sure if my aunt woke up or something. However, needless to say, I was pretty terrified.
04.06.2018 12:51
The reason I made this was because I wanted to base something off of a sort of anime, and I thought bugs would work well. The species of bug I chose are the Spotted Apatelode caterpillar, the Feather mantis, and a few soldier ants. The account with the story is InsectProductions.
Animations (3)
Insect Part 2
5 years ago
Bug Busters
5 years ago
Insect PART 1
5 years ago