- create flipbook animations online!
Diary Entry 6
27.09.2023 06:13
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Diary Entry 6: Since I only have one class in my college that meaning I have class only on Monday and Wednesday so I guess like Teusday, Thursday, Friday, and maybeeee Sunday?? Won't really be like more diary entry like LMAO so this entry or more entries on these days would be short, probably three or less comments big. So what to type about... oh yeah I've been playing like more Project Sekai not to mention Honkai Star Rail!! I've been grinding on both games for materials/gacha currency because I have no life 👍👍👍👍 and halloween's next month yipppeeee!!!! I think I'm just gonna be the good ol' fashion ghost and do trick or treating and after October is November which is HAHAHA YIPPEEEE anime event :3 the event I'm going to are going to have a lot of guest INCLUDING BULBASAUR'S VOICE ACTRESS??? YOOO!?!??!!?! I'm so going to meet her once I'm there with my friends, and hopefully my bunny miku cos is like ready ready BECAUSE I SWEAR TO GOD THE BUNNY EARS WON'T STAY GAWDDAMN STILL!!! They would flop down
27.09.2023 06:23
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every time I put them on like HUH?? Bro I just wanna become a cute bunny girl what the frick gives bro??? What else to talk about I think the more I'm going to this site the more people I sorta remember like it's giving me my memories back, like I'm starting to remember people when I was like 11/12 here?? God I feel old and seeing these new people or not old people here makes my head go whammy, and because of that I miss some of my past friends here tbh I've been considering making like a series based off of them, not too extreme or too crazy that would make them cringe just a series that surrounds the theme of nostalgia or something like that, I gotta like make sure the series isn't uncomfortable to many and I gotta respect more boundaries than ever, I'm not trying to imply that my somewhat considered series isn't picture perfect just a a vision that I wanna see makes me happy ykno?? But the more I talk about FlipAnim the more my brain gushes about *him* ehh look maybe I do like him but I rather be friends-
27.09.2023 06:30
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since (1) I don't really like to online date or edate, I only did it once and god it traumatized me a hell of a lot, (2) He's not really here anymore the last post I checked was like 2 or 3 years ago so what's the point of trying to get closer again if he's gonna be gone for long (3) I'm gushing more about this cute guy in my college class so yeah- unless something majorly big happens, overall if he does come back and if he sees this I don't care, like I repeat I am doing these entries since I'm doing this because bored and I'm committed 👍 and I won't really mind if one them commentated here and no yeah, I'll respond to them. 100% real and true, I will respond if they happen to comment on these diary entry post maan I am feeling a lil sappy because of this, and listening to butterflies by nicopatty ain't helping LMAOO, but honestly I know repeating my words it's just I miss the friends I made here, even if we were immature and had these dramatic takes I still keep them as a positive notes because the past is
27.09.2023 06:36
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in the past so I won't mind that much, anyways oh yeah I've been cooking more for myself and I made curry wait wait.. with cooked spam!! I know that sounds so lame but like I gotta do what I gotta doooo next time if I make curry I'll do something more fitting like chicken katsu, pork katsu, or pork in general. Oh yeah I have to get some icecream because I wanna make homemade Grimace Shake, bro the Grimace shake is so doodoo fart once you get it, I tried it before and god I mean it's aight ig but like first sip is fine but the rest?? Bro it felt like I'm getting to a point of just not finishing it, so that's why I wanna make it at home and surprisingly it's pretty easy, blueberries, milk, and vanilla icecream so yeeee yummy yummy yummy, honestly I don't know what to write now so TLM is done writing. P.S. Note ; My dad ate all of the salmon sushi I want to die /j /lh
27.09.2023 06:50
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