- create flipbook animations online!
Dangan Debate
12.11.2020 19:14
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It all started- actually no that intro sucks 3 days ago I was told by my mom’s boyfriend that Danganronpa 1, 2, and V3 were all for sale on Steam and in a £15.54 bundle. BARGAIN :D I asked my dad about it and he kinda went: ‘It looks rubbish.’ So I hit him with the ‘overwhelmingly positive reviews’ zoom in screenshot and he just went: ‘and the worst graphics I’ve ever seen’ so I told him I play it for the story like you play Final Fantasy 7 (original) for the story even if it doesn’t have The Last Guardian-style graphics. Eventually he decided he’d ask my mom about it. HUGE RED FLAG. My mom, despite me being an older teen, is a little strict about sexual innuendo and swearing. Violence? She doesn’t care about that. She cared more a bout Miu’s boobs than Kokichi getting crushed to death by a hydraulic press.
12.11.2020 19:15
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2 days passed with no news then eventually I puked out the courage to ask my mom to check it out. She gives it a minute than about halfway through a review she goes ‘ew…’ so I walked downstairs to my gran’s flat to escape. MISTAKES Mom came down and told gran I was wanting ‘a game with blood, gore, swearing, and innuendo.’ Then something happened. My gran started screaming a bout how teenagers only play games with gore and violence and it’s all the talk about. And my mom was really chill about the whole thing saying ‘she’s a teen it something like this was going to happen eventually’ and from then on tried to lead the conversation away. I went back upstairs and just kinda said ‘I take it that’s a no’, and she as expected said no, but maybe next year if there’s another sale. So I guess I am kinda allowed it, just not now. All’s well and ends well. That is, if my gran doesn’t use her walking stick to beat me up.
12.11.2020 19:18
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Thank you!
The worst part is mom was looking at a V3 review when it was mostly Trigger Happy Havoc I wanted .3.
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